I admit it. I have come very late to the newer wargaming books party. I do not think I have bought a book on wargaming, as opposed to history (military or otherwise), which, as the gentle reader will know, I consume in near-industrial quantities, for a good number of years, probably over a decade.
Still, better late than never, I suppose, and
when an advert email came in for this tome at a reduced price
Hyde, H. (2011). The Wargaming Compendium. Barnsley:
Pen & Sword,
I kind of leapt at it. I suppose I have been looking
for something that might make the creative juices flow a little and grow a bit
of enthusiasm.
As probably most wargamers know of Henry Hyde I
will not give a thumbnail sketch or try to classify his writing. The book does
more or less what I needed: it comes with oodles of enthusiasm. Whether it is
quite the ‘wargamer’s bible’ that some of blurb claims might be a bit moot, but
it is certainly an interesting book and is a ‘treasure trove’ of advice,
examples and vast quantities of eye-catching photographs of toy soldiers, bit
and small, in all sorts of wargames, big and small.
There are all sorts of ideas and examples
floating around in the book. The introduction is a guide to basic concepts,
then there is a history of wargaming. Different periods from ancients to
science-fiction are discussed, then making terrain. There is a long chapter on
painting figures, the example being some 1/72nd plastic Napoleonic
British and French. If I have a criticism here, the quality of the painting
would put me off, as a total beginner. While Henry’s tone is that of a kindly
uncle all though, with ‘I recommend that you…’ and ‘I would add…’ liberally
sprinkled through the text I would feel a bit overwhelmed by the painting guide.
On the other hand I do not have the patience
for that level of detail and have never got the hang of multiple layers of dry-brushing to build up a
colour, nor of washes. That is probably just me, and you can tell by the (lack
of) quality of even my more recent efforts at painting that I have always aimed
to get the toys ready to go onto the table, even if the quantity of wargames
played, do not reflect painted solider availability.
Still, minor grips aside, the book then moves
on to what to do with the little chaps when finished. Duels are covered with
two figures, and there are rules for gladiators. Skirmishes follow, with rules
for the wild west. Battles follow, with a digression on military organization and
how to reflect real battles, the really big ones. This section comes with some
interesting ponderings on the literal approach, with the correct number of
units, the bath-tub approach, by scaling the available space to the battlefield
and then filling it with appropriate units, and then scaling down to figure
size to permit the former to be done in a reasonable time and space.
In the latter bit I am not sure Mr. Hyde goes
quite far enough. He recommends 6 mm for big historical battles. Myself, I
would probably go for 2 mm for something like Waterloo. If you scale down to 6 mm size the units can
still get a bit lost in the sheer quantity of troops on the table, and the
scale of the terrain and battlefield. Still, a minor quibble and a bit of a
matter of taste, I suspect.
The book then moves on to campaign games of
various forms. HH is clearly an enthusiast for campaigns, and starts with
linked battles, so the winning force advances a table and the losers defend
that. This would, I think, work well for WW1 or WW2 games, but perhaps not so
well for, say, ECW. He then discusses map making, suggesting a Speed map for
the ECW, for example (fair enough) or
other tricks like shrinking and inverting Australia (not literally) to be a
desert island.
HH’s own preference is clearly for
imagi-nations on fictitious maps, and that is fine by me. Inspired by Charles
Grant’s The War Game and Tony Bath’s Setting Up a Wargames Campaign,
he describes creating an imaginary map and populating it with terrain, towns
and personalities. In the latter I have a bit of a gripe, perhaps, in that his
personality generator uses d100, which gives a rather startling range of attribute
values. According to HH this is how the original D&D did it. Never having
played D&D I cannot comment on that, but Runequest used 3d6 to give less
extreme results, and I think Tony Bath’s original used playing card. Anyway,
each to their own on this one.
The author then shows how to drill down to his
own five miles hexes and from thence to a battlefield. He also covers wargame
journals. Here, I have to say, the Mr. Hyde’s skills as a graphic designer come
to the fore. The maps are depressingly beautiful and the page of his journal
showing the uniform of a regiment of imagi-nation infantry are extremely nice
and far beyond my abilities. This wargamer, as with the painting and pictures,
can only admire and move on.
The campaign rules which end the chapter are
fairly straightforward and workable, although they include a bit too much
detail for me. HH says somewhere that the wargamer, or the rules writer at
least, has to consider what level the game is to be played at. Wargamers have a
tendency to swap roles within a game, from general to commander of a wing to
brigadier and so on. These rules have a similar feel to them, so I could be the
commander of the army (or, indeed, monarch of an imagination) one moment and an
individual scout having run into an enemy army group the next. It is great if
you have the time, energy and attention to detail he has. I’m not sure, having
tried it, that I do.
Next along are Mr. Hyde’s own rules, Shot,
Steel and Stone for the Eighteenth century. The introduction is very good, with
the troop types and excellent illustrations. The rules, I confess, I have not
read, but a sample battle is given which seems to play very nicely.
Finally, more briefly, other aspects of
wargaming are covered – naval, air, solo and multiplayer games all get their
moment. The last bit is about wargaming in the digital age, followed by
appendices on books and suppliers. As HH ruefully admits, this was out of date
as soon as the book was published. Still, a good effort.
Overall, an excellent book to lend to someone
considering wargaming as a hobby, and a burst of enthusiasm for us jaded old
grognards. I did not intend to sit down a read it cover to cover, but I did and
I am glad I did. Recommended.