I mentioned before having an underemployed Ottoman army, so what better opportunity could I have to deploy it than a go at Otranto, as described a post or two ago. The lack of detail as to what happened was not going to deter me, of course. After all, I do have an ongoing Spanish Armada campaign based around the fleet landing near Whitby in North Yorkshire.
Not being one for too much historical research on what I have to admit is a bit of a side-line battle for me, I used the army lists from DBA for both the Ottoman side and the Neapolitans. They both came up looking a little odd to my mind – the Italians were gendarmes heavy while the Ottomans were azab light and only had one base of Janissaries, although the fact that a third of the army were light horse seemed reasonable.
Anyway, not having yet renovated
my Renaissance galley fleets I decided that the Ottoman army would already have
come ashore, and diced for their arrival side on the table. This meant that
they arrived in a rather narrow pass between the sea and a stream and the walls
of Otranto itself.
The photograph shows the peaceful scene. The Italian foot is within the walls of Otranto itself, while the Ottomans, doubtless cursing their scouts, approach from the gap between the stream and the sea. The relieving Neapolitan cavalry approach along the road to the right.
The buildings are Leven with I suspect some Timecast and Irregular, the troops (when you can see anyone) are my usual eclectic mix of Baccus, Irregular and, I think H&R. The walls of the enclosure in the foreground, and the fruit trees are Irregular.
Within the town are concealed
three bases of crossbows and two of spears. The remaining Italian forces were five
bases of gendarmes and a mounted crossbowman (and an artillery piece, on the
end of the quay in Otranto. I know that Italian forces had largely concentrated
on heavy cavalry in this period (because I have read Oman, like the good
wargamer I am) but it does feel a bit odd.
Anyway, after a few moves everyone had arrived on the table.
The Ottoman plan was to get the light horse into action against the relieving column, while the sipahis back them up, and the following infantry and gun come through to block any sally from the town. Unfortunately, marching past the city walls, in crossbow range, has already started to disrupt the plan. While the light cavalry are unscathed, the sipahis have taken hits and are stalled in a rather embarrassing position, under fire but unable to respond.
A few moves later it has all gone rather pear-shaped for the Ottomans
While the sipahi have managed to
get away from the walls, the cost has
“And we’ll wrap it up there,” as
someone says on an annoying TV advert. The charge of the flanking gendarmes has
destroyed the akinji, the remnants of which are fleeing towards the camera. Along
the way they have also accounted for a couple of bases of sipahi by crashing
into their flanks while pursuing. The Italian infantry in the city were just
about to sally forth to do battle with the infidel, but seeing the carnage
before their doors and sensing a Christian victory, they decided to stay put
and return to their cappuccinos.
Ottoman morale had, indeed,
slumped to the lowest I recall seeing in one of my games – minus two on a zero
to twelve scale. The heel of Italy had clearly been preserved.
After such a debacle, the honest
wargamer has an inquest. Am I prejudiced against the Ottomans? I don’t think so
– the terrain was, admittedly, against them but I did not expect the crossbow
fire from the walls to be so effective. I did ponder the rights and wrongs of
the routing Janissaries sweeping away their supports, but it does seem to me to
be correct here. The fact that the sipahis were not properly deployed didn’t
help either.
In the real life campaign the
Neapolitans were heavily outnumbered and could only keep a watching brief on
Otranto once the Ottomans had captured it, hoping, presumably, for something to
turn up. That something did is not necessarily a tribute to their political leadership
which struggled to raise much in the way of reinforcements. An organised army
(or, possibly, navy) would probably have given the invaders a harder time.
So, was it a historical battle?
Well, I have expressed doubts about more or less every aspect of it – the army
lists, the accuracy of the landscape (I did not even Google Otranto), the
Ottoman plans and, I suppose, I could further question the rules. It did not
bear much resemblance to what I know about the history of the campaign.
Admittedly, that is not much and it is quite likely that there is not much more
to be known.
Still, it was an interesting
action, if a bit of a minor and one sided one as it turned out. The best, I
think, the Ottomans could have done was refuse to fight on that ground, but
that was not really an option. The Ottomans are also, it seems to me, another
example of an army that was usually in this time frame on the strategic
offensive, but stood more frequently on the tactical defensive. Again, attempting
to deploy to besiege a city is not really the time to be standing on the
tactical defensive, at least, not until the army has deployed.