I fear that I am becoming a bit
of a one dead horse beater, having written far too much this month about text,
interpretation, authority and all that stuff. Important though I think it is,
it is not the be all and the end all of the wargame world, even of my wargame
world. I suppose, therefore, it is high time to find something else to talk
To start with, I could review my
wargaming 2016. It did not go all that well. While a played a few games and
ditched major parts of the rules, progress was limited. On the painting side I was
decidedly hampered by an eye problem in the summer, but I did manage to finish
my doubled Moorish army. Actually, I cheated a bit. My first aim was to finish
by the end of November, and then I could justify obtaining more shiny metal at
Battleground. I think Mr Berry was a bit surprised when I demurred from any purchase
there. I was 24 figures from finishing. I actually completed the painting on
New Year’s Eve, but basing took into January. Still, they are finished now.
The major project of the year was
150 tiny, tiny galleys. They were done by the middle of the year (I think) but
for all my efforts, the campaign has yet to yield a naval encounter, so they remain
in the box. But it is nice to know they are there. In fact, I think most of my
painting effort is directed at knowing that I could field x army or navy at a
moment’s notice, but that I rarely, in fact, do.
Along the way I somehow also
managed to paint five houses, or, rather, four hovels and a house. These were
Leven Miniatures Arab / Mediterranean range, I think and they painted up quite
well, even given my limited abilities. They, at least, have been in action,
masquerading as Asiatic Thracian homes in one of the main battles of the year.
I started to paint some of Irregular’s
big classical buildings as well, but somehow they dropped off the road map after
being partially undercoated and stuck on bases. The reason for this, if I
recall, was that I noticed after having started that the insides needed
painting as well as the outsides. As it has been snowing here as I write, I
could be quite envious of a Mediterranean climate.
As far as the blog goes,
discounting the hiatus in the summer, a lot of the recent posting has been
about how to read ancient texts. I guess that this is something of a niche
activity for most wargamers, even those of a historical bent. We prefer our
history processed and dished up for us, I think, rather than having to chew on
the raw data and interpret it for ourselves.
But I have been writing about that far too much recently, as I said
above, so enough, and move on.
Reading has continued, and there
have been some fine works consumed over the year, including Mary Beard’s SPQR
and Geoffrey Parker’s Global Crisis. As I
said at the time, and in the Christmas Eve post, the latter is an amazing work
of historical synthesis and unutterably depressing. I followed this up with a
stab at the fourth volume of Sumption’s Hundred Years War series. I only made
it half way through before the greed, stupidity and playground politics
approach of most of the participants annoyed and depressed me so much that I
had to give up. I fear that the resonances between both Parker and Sumption and
contemporary politics were part of the mix as well. I will return to it,
Enough, I hear you cry! What of
the future? A new-ish year beckons, vistas lie open before you. What are you
going to do?
Well, next up on the painting
table is another Spanish army. This is part of my doubling project, of course,
and I am hoping that it will not take all year, this time. I have already undercoated
a large number of skirmisher type figures, so the intent is there, even if the
execution is a bit lacking. I also have the aforementioned classical buildings
to finish (or, viewed from another perspective, properly start) and a few bits
of a Roman marching fort to complete as well.
Having entirely failed to acquire any more figures or buildings in 2016,
everything this year is eroding the unpainted figure pile, which has to be a
good thing.
In case you are wondering whether
there is a plan here, the answer is, inevitably, vaguely, sort of. I have noted
that a certain Mr Hannibal used a fair number of both Spanish and Moorish
troops and so my ‘master’ plan is to complete them and then I might have less
to do if I ever decide to go for some Punic War activity. I am not holding my
breath for that, however. Maybe when I retire….
In terms of reading stuff, I shall
certainly continue doing that. I really ought to get around to Livy and
Polybius, Xenophon (his other writings, not the historical ones) and Plutarch,
but I doubt that will be this year. I have a fair pile from my winter reading
box and a few Christmas present books to wade through (no, that is the wrong
term – I enjoy them). I have a few of wargaming interest, such as Plataea, the
Siege of Vienna and a biography of Cato. Interestingly, one of the selling
points of the latter was George Washington’s use of Cato in the Valley Forge.
Either that is an unlikely historical link or a cunning marketing ploy by the
publishers, given that most people’s reaction to ‘Cato’ is ‘who?’
I will of course, continue to
blog about the failure to achieve most of the above, and report on the very
occasional success. As to what will appear on the blog aside from that, I have
no real idea. I tend to blog, these days, from week to week, and it depends on
what I have been reading, thinking about or trying out. We shall, hopefully,